Today it is estimated that Alcoholics Anonymous exists in 180 nations worldwide, with membership over two million. There are more than 123,000 A.A. groups worldwide and A.A.’s literature has been translated into over 100 languages.
The General Service Office in New York City offers services to A.A. Groups throughout the U.S., Canada and overseas, especially in countries where there is no service structure. The U.S. office works with committees of A.A.’s General Service Board and the General Service Conference (U.S. and Canada). G.S.O. has broad responsibilities to its member groups, including the following:
- To collect and organize shared experience on group challenges and solutions, and to pass this information along to A.A. groups and members throughout the U.S. and Canada when asked.
- To work with alcoholics overseas and in the armed forces; with those living in areas with no meetings; with housebound and seagoing A.A.s; and with members in treatment and correctional facilities.
- To respond to letters requesting information about A.A. and the help it provides for alcoholics.
- To publish the A.A. newsletter, Box 4-5-9, and other bulletins; to publish and distribute A.A. books and pamphlets approved by the General Service Conference; and to provide a sampling of complimentary literature and service materials to each new group.
- To disseminate public information at the national and international levels for A.A. as a whole, in cooperation with print and electronic media as well as with organizations concerned with the treatment of alcoholism.
- To coordinate and support the work of General Service Conference committees.
- To maintain the G.S.O. Archives.
- To operate and maintain the website and the Meeting Guide app.
G.S.O on social media
The General Service Office maintains a Linked In page and a YouTube channel. Both provide new avenues for connecting with the message of A.A.