How to be a GSR

Why should I be a GSR?

What do I need to be A GSR?

Like everything in AA, these are suggestive only, however our collective experience and the AA service literature recommend that … An effective GSR needs:
  • 2-3 years of continuous sobriety in AA
  • Time available to attend District Meetings and Area Assemblies
  • To be open minded and a good listener
  • To be an information gatherer
  • A keen interest in AA as a whole (not just the Group)
  • A willingness to serve AA
The GSR:
  • Is elected by the Group at the Group Conscience
  • Serves for 2 years
  • Is supported by an Alternate GSR elected at the same time as the GSR

GSR Bootcamp

Watch this 1 hour workshop presentation on why GSRs are considered by many to be the most important role in AA General Service. If you are a GSR, or if you’re considering becoming one, we hope this video assists you in deciding if the responsibility is for you.

Tips for getting started: