Area Assembly Primary Purpose
The Area Assembly provides an opportunity for the District and Group Service representatives (GSRs) to join the Area Delegate and the Area Committee to
- learn about service
- discuss and vote on issues related to A.A. in our Area
- discuss and vote on topics for discussion at the General Service Conference
All A.A. members are welcome to attend.
About the assembly
The Area Assembly consists of all currently serving Area Committee members, District Committee members (DCMs) and General Service Representatives (GSRs). If a group’s GSR cannot attend the Assembly, the group’s Alternate GSR can attend instead.
Sharing sessions are useful when a problem has reached difficult proportions at the service level, and options to resolve the difficulty and promote unity need to be explored. World Services GSO provide a guideline, “How to Conduct A Sharing Session” as a resource for Area and Committee Chairpersons.
Voting at the Area Assembly is confined to the voting members of the Area Committee, DCMs and registered GSRs, or their alternates, who are in attendance. Absentee or proxy voting are not accepted.
The Area Assembly convenes four times a year. Each Assembly has a specific purpose.
February Assembly
Year 1 – Inventory Assembly
As with personal recovery, it is important that the Area does regular housecleaning. During the Inventory Assembly the Area will thoroughly review its structure and function in the context of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts.
Year 2 – Workshop Assembly
The Workshop Assembly provides an opportunity for members to engage in fun activities to explore service according to the Traditions and Concepts.
May Assembly
Topics for Conference Assembly
At this Assembly, Topics for Conference raised by Groups within the Area, are presented to Area for support before being sent to the General Service Office for discussion at the General Service Conference.
The AA Australia Conference Topic process can look daunting, but it’s actually pretty simple. If you’ve got 2 minutes, click here this video will run you through the basics!
October Assembly
Pre-Conference Assembly
At this Assembly our Area Delegate listens to General Service Representatives (GSRs) feedback from the AA Groups, on the Topics on this year’s General Service Conference Agenda. This process provides our Area’s Group Conscience a voice at Conference and enables AA Groups to exercise their responsibility for the running of the Fellowship.
December Assembly
Year 1 – Post-Conference Assembly
The main purpose of this Assembly is to have our Delegate report back to the Groups of the Area on their experience of Conference and its outcomes. Area may also seek to fill vacant Committee positions by election.
Year 2 – Post-Conference & Election Assembly
Welcome to the December Post-Conference & Election Assembly. This Assembly has 2 purposes:
- to have our Delegate report back to the Groups of the Area on their experience of Conference and its outcomes
- to hold elections for the new Area Committee which rotates every two years in accordance with Tradition Nine.
Click here for more information on the Assembly process.
Assembly dates for 2022
All assemblies will be on Saturdays at 12.30 pm.
Make sure you’re on the Area B mailing list. You can check or be added by emailing