An AA District is a geographical unit within an Area containing a number of AA Groups. The number of Districts is determined by the ability of the GSRs to meet regularly and communicate with each other.
Area B incorporates a broad geographical region (see Map below) incorporating Metropolitan and Rural Districts. The Canberra District has approximately meetings. In contrast, rural Districts may have as few as 3 or 4 meetings.
The growth of the AA Fellowship within an Area rests with the establishment of more Districts. This is because closer communication links within the District, enable groups to share together and carry their message more effectively.
Australian AA Service Manual, 2016, p.36.
Each District is represented at Area by the District Committee Member (DCM) whose responsibilities include:
- Holding regular meetings of all GSRs in the District at monthly, bimonthly or quarterly intervals, whichever is deemed most effective (District Committee Meetings)
- Attending Area Assemblies and Committee meetings, carrying the collective Group Conscience of the Groups in the District.
- Obtaining Group information details from all Groups in the District for the General Service Office and Area communication.
- Keeping GSRs informed about Conference activities.
- Acquainting GSRs with the “Australian AA Service Manual”, “AA Around Australia” and other AA Conference-Approved literature.
Australian AA Service Manual, 2016, p.37
Click here for more information on Districts and the DCM