The Area Committee, … is responsible for the health of the Conference Structure and, … for the growth and harmony of our beloved Fellowship
Primary Purpose
The Area B Committee serves to protect the autonomy and privilege of all AA Groups in Area B Eastern Region and ensure that we carry the message of recovery to suffering alcoholics.
Through our elected Area Delegates, we learn what is happening in A.A. throughout Australia and contribute to the National Group Conscience. In this way we ensure Bill W’s vision for AA described in Concept 1:
"Final responsibility and ultimate authority for AA world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship"
Carrying the Message
Various Service Sub-committees help Groups carry the AA message to the general public and professional communities (PI&CPC), prisons (CFT), and treatment facilities or to alcoholics requiring support to access meetings due to disability, language or other barriers (TFT).
For example, a Public Information campaign may result in an increase in newcomers making calls to the 24-Hour AA Diverta Help Line.
Similarly, the Correctional Facilities sub-committee ensures the hand of AA reaches alcoholics in prisons.
Click here to find out more about these important service opportunities.
As the GSR, you can make a big difference to the effectiveness of communication between the Area B Committee and your Group to carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic.
Follow the links below to find out more about what each position of the Area B Committee does.
When does the Area Committee meet?
The Area B Committee meets on the second Saturday of every month throughout the year.
Four of these meetings are Assemblies where GSRs, District Committee Members (DCMs) and the Area Committee come together. Click here for more information on Area Assemblies.
Area B Committee and Assembly meetings are held F2F as permitted, and online via the Area Zoom Room.
All AA members are welcome and encouraged to bring newcomers and fellow Group members along.
Since Area B incorporates southern NSW and the ACT, Assembly meeting locations rotate throughout the Districts within the Area. Click here for Assembly dates and locations.
Registered GSRs, DCMS, Area Committee and AA members are notified of upcoming meetings via email and push notifications
Keep your Group in the Loop. Subscribe to Area B Events and News Notifications.
Who is on the Area Committee?
The Area Committee is composed of all District Committee Members (DCMs) elected by the GSRs to represent their District as well as the following elected Area Committee Officers.
All Committee members are elected to serve for a 2 year period, except for the Delegate who is elected to serve for 3 years.
The following provides a brief description of each service position. For detailed information, see the Australian AA Service Manual 2021, Section 5 The Area and “Area B Terms of Reference and Role Descriptions”.
The Area Chairperson demonstrates leadership, enthusiasm for service, the ability to organise and provide the Area Committee direction and incentive, acting as a servant not a dictator.
To do this, the Area Chair should possess 3-5 years continuous sobriety, a sound understanding of the Steps, Traditions and Concepts and experience in Group, Central Service or institutional affairs.
The Chairperson maintains order in Committee meetings and sets the Agenda in collaboration with the Area Secretary. GSRs and AA Group members wanting to raise matters at the Area Committee meetings can contact the Chairperson via email
The Area Secretary keeps a record of the Assembly and Committee Meeting Minutes, distributes the Committee and Assembly Agenda and Minutes to Committee members and distributes correspondence or “lively” bulletins informing the Fellowship of upcoming Area events including Founder’s Day, Forums, Conventions.
It is recommended in the Australian AA Service manual that the Area Secretary have more than 2 years continuous sobriety. To contact the Area Secretary email
The Area B Treasurer keeps records of all financial transactions including Group donations and expenses; prepares Area B’s annual budget; initiates fundraising activities to maintain a prudent reserve in accordance with Tradition 7; and ensures the quarterly “Conference Levy” is paid to send the Delegate to Conference.
Group donations to Area are reported in the national newsletter “AA Around Australia”. Groups like to hear that their contributions to Area are received. The Treasurer reports Group Donations at Assemblies.
As guardian of the Area’s funds, the Treasurer should have a substantial period of continuous sobriety as well as financial integrity. To contact the Area B Treasurer email
Area Delegate
The Area Delegate is the link between the General Service Board (GSB), General Service Conference (GSC) and the GSRs. The primary duties of the Area Delegate include:
- Attending the General Service Conference in November informed and prepared to vote intelligently according to the conscience of the Area and in the best interests of AA as a whole
- Providing a comprehensive report on Conference outcomes to the Area Assembly in a manner that is inclusive and understanding of any queries
- Ensuring that AA Traditions and Concepts underpin Area’s decision making and service work
- Communicating to the Area the world picture of AA and inspiring the transmission of this information and enthusiasm for service to GSRs, Groups and CSOs.
- Attending all Area and Regional Forums and Assemblies
- Cooperating with the General Service Office (GSO) to convey information from the General Service Board (GSB), keeping Area Committee, DCMs and GSRs informed about issues affecting AA as a whole.
In addition to the Conference Levy, the Area budget includes an allowance for the Delegate to attend Assemblies and Forums away from their primary address.
The Area Delegate is elected for three years and is a voting office. An Area Delegate who does not complete his/her term is not eligible to nominate for a Delegate position at a later date. The recommended sobriety time for an Area Delegate is 10 years.
To contact the Area B Delegate email
Alternate Delegate
Conference recommends that all Areas have Alternate Area Delegates, serving as a valuable assistant to the Area Delegate.
While not cited in the AA Service Manual, Conference has determined that, when there is a vacancy in the Alternate another Area B Committee member may also hold the position of Alternate Delegate as well as their other Committee service position. However, this should only occur when there is a vacancy in the Alternates position.
If the Area Delegate cannot attend the General Service Conference, a pre-determined and elected Alternate Delegate can attend on the Delegate’s behalf.
The recommended period of continuous sobriety for the Area B Alternate Delegate is no shorter than two years but preferably more than five years.
To contact the Area B Alternate Delegate email
The Area Registrar develops and maintains records of all Groups within the Area, including Group name, meeting location, time and GSR or Group contact information. Basic computer literacy with Word and Excel as well as the ability to use email is necessary.
The Registrar is an important role is important because it allows Area B’s Committee to know how many Groups and Meetings are in our Area.
The most important aspect of the Registrar’s role is keeping the Group contact details up to date since Area B’s communications with the Groups is essential to Area B’s service structure stability and viability. The Area B Registrar is a two year service position and is a voting office. To contact the Area Registrar email
Treatment Facilities & Special Access Coordinator
The Area B Treatment Facilities and Special Access (TF&SA) Coordinator keeps the Fellowship informed on Treatment Facilities and Special Access service work being performed throughout the Area by Groups, Districts and the sub-committee itself and maintains a record of Treatment Facilities that assist in the management of alcoholism and the relevant professional contacts.
The TF&SA coordinator communicates with AA members in Area B who are visiting treatment facilities such as hospitals, detoxes, detoxes, rehabs, and mental health units.
The volume of work is too much for one individual to manage alone. The TF&SA Coordinator is keen to connect with members interested in carrying the message into treatment facilities or to alcoholics separated from AA by language, culture, impairment of sight, hearing, mental health and other permanent or temporary disabilities.
To find out how you can be involved in this service go to Treatment Facilities and Special Access (TF&SA) or email
Public Information & Cooperation with the Professional Community (PI&CPC) Coordinator
The Area B Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community (PI/CPC) Coordinator is AA’s representative to the public and professional community in Area B.
The primary purpose of PI&CPC activities is to provide information to the public and the professional community about how AA can collaboratively assist them to help the still suffering alcoholic achieve sobriety.
The volume of work is too much for one individual to manage alone. Therefore, the PI&CPC Coordinator is keen to connect with members interested in carrying the message into the community and the professions.
To find out how you can be involved in this service go to Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community (PI&CPC) or email
Correctional Facilities Team (CFT) Coordinator
The Area B Correctional Facilities Team (CFT) Coordinator keeps the Area B Committee and Fellowship informed on Correctional Facilities service work being carried out throughout Area B by individual Groups, Districts and the CFT Area B Sub-committee.
The coordinator also keeps a list of Gaols, Police Lock-ups, Remand Centres, Correctional Centres, Juvenile Correctional Centres and Weekend Detention Centres across all of Area B, with a view of extending the hand of AA wherever possible.
The volume of work is too much for one individual to manage alone. Therefore, the CFT Coordinator is keen to connect with members interested in carrying the message into Correctional Facilities throughout the Area.
For more information go to Correctional Facilities (CFT) or email
B-Line Notices & Online News Editor
The Area B, B-Line Editor collates and edits items of interest including member stories, new meeting or closing meeting information, Area B and CSO Committee meetings and Assemblies, positions vacant, Area B Committee and Group events of interest to the regional fellowship, AA events e.g. National Conventions or Eastern Region Forum for publication in the Area newsletter, The B-Line and the Area B website.
The B-Line editor is also responsible for maintaining the Area B-Line Distribution Google Group and actively campaigns for Area B Group members to subscribe to the B-Line.
To contact the Area B B-Line Editor email
Zoom Administrator
The ZOOM administrator is a new role, established in March 2020, to support our regional groups who had been devastated by bushfires, closely followed by a COVID lockdown.
The role involves managing the Area B ZOOM space, monitoring and reporting on electronic activity, supporting members to use Zoom and trouble-shooting technical problems.
To contact the Area B ZOOM Administrator email
The job description for the Webmaster role is in the process of being updated and will be published shortly.
Central Service Office (CSO) Liaison Officer
While Area service ensures the future of AA as a whole, the Central Service Office (CSO) takes care of the day-to-day needs of AA in local region. The functions of the 2 service entities are different but it is essential that Area Committee works closely with the CSO Committees.
The CSO Liaison Officer provides a vital link between the local activities in each community or regional area and the Area B Committee, which is the connection to the General Service Board of AA Australia. The CSO Liaison Officer attends the CSO Committee meetings to help maintain effective communication and coordination between the entities.
To contact the Area B CSO Liaison Officer email
Area B Committee Meetings
Area D Committee meeting dates for 2021
All committee meetings are on the second Saturday of the month at 1pm on Zoom.
Make sure you’re on the Area B mailing list. You can check or be added by emailing